A nurturing and ancient massage that honours the woman who becomes a mother.

In traditional postpartum care new mothers receive several Postnatal Rebozo Massage and Closing the Bones Ceremony in the days and weeks following childbirth, to help speed their recovery. This beautiful ritual honours, supports and nurtures the new mother in this new stage of her life. It also brings closure on three levels: physical, emotional and spiritual, following the opening that occurs during pregnancy and childbirth.
It comes from Mexico and Ecuador, although this practice can be found in other parts of the world and throughout history. Ancient bodywork has in common nurturing and suport mother’s recovery. Postpartum needs are the same wherever a mother comes from: she needs gentle touch, relaxation, warmth and nourishment. She needs to be held so that she can hold and care for her baby as well.
It is beneficial for a woman’s emotional, mental and physical recovery. It is beneficial for all birth experiences, being especially helpful for processing more difficult experiences or birth trauma.
Rebozos are long shawls typical of Mexico and other Latin American cultures. They are used to massage and wrap the mother’s body. In other parts of the world, hands or other elements are used for the same purpose.
My interest in learning this massage and ceremony started at the beginning of my work as a doula. My best friend was about to have her baby and I wanted to get her a gift. I learned about the closing the bones ceremony and knew it was the perfect gift for her. It was special and just for her, not for the baby. Focused on her wellbeing, recovery and new identity as a mother.
I completed my training with Sophie Messager, doula and postpartum advocate. Sophie links traditional postpartum care with the latest evidence-based information, offering a new version of the Closing the Bones Ceremony.
What happens in a closing the bones ceremony
Before it starts there is always time for a chat🧡 We talk about life with the new baby, recovery, feelings and expectations. We share a cup of tea while the mother finishes feeding her baby.

I prepare the room, creating a cosy and safe space. I place the rebozos, whose colours form a beautiful rainbow, in the centre of the room.
This recovery massage and ceremony can be done with the baby close to mum. Often a partner, family member or friend will be with the baby so mum can enjoy and having a very relaxing moment for herself.
The mother lies down and I explain what to expect and how important it is to follow her lead. I hold this space for her to witness and accompany any emotions that may arise.
After some deep breathing, I start this amazing massage.
Colourful rebozos rock her body. Head, shoulders, pelvis, arms and legs. Rocking is a primary sensation, the same one we use to soothe our children. The one that brings deep relaxation and calm.

After massaging the whole body, I will then wrap her in rebozos, especially closing the pelvic area. The closing helps to bring the bladder and uterus back into place and the hips back into their normal proportions.
Wrapping is another primal sensation that brings feelings of security, warmth and closure. Feeling connected with your own body.
When mum is wrapped and warmly covered in a thick blanket, a ceremony takes place. It is a time to connect, to let emotions arise. In silence or gentle music, as your prefer, letting thoughts and feelings just be. To focus on the amazing body, the amazing mother and to find the closure needed after birth.
After the ceremony there will be time to share and support you as you come to the end of an amazing experience that all mothers should have.
When is the best time to receive this wonderful massage?
If you are considering to have this amazing recovery massage, you can have it hours/days after a vaginal birth or arfound three weeks after a caesarean.
The first few days and weeks are perfect, in fact in Colombia new mothers receive this massage hours after giving birth and at least once a week for the first 40 days. Can you imagine how well supported and nurtured any mother would feel with this kind of care?
But the benefits are also amazing in the months and years after childbirth, as the postnatal period lasts much longer. It is particularly healing in situations of birth trauma, miscarriage and breastfeeding grief as it holds space and works on three levels – physical, emotional and spiritual.
After three years of offering Closing the Bones in Cardiff and South Wales, I have seen the healing and benefits for many women. Rebozo Massage and Closing the Bones also accompanies other life transitions such as divorce or perimenopause.
I offer it in your own home or in the Yurt in the City, a real yurt built into a room so it is not cold in winter or too hot in summer. Read more about Rebozo Massage and Closing the Bones Ceremony here.